You just know it’s not going to be a good day

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As soon as I woke up this morning I started crying. I just know it’s not going to be a good day and now I am filled with dread and overwhelmed again by those waves of helplessness, loneliness and sadness. I need a ‘switch’ to turn to turn all that off. I hope everybody else is not going to have one of these days. Good luck for today - hope you have a good Wednesday.

  • Oh darling, I felt just the same yesterday, woke up at 4:30 still crying. Granddaughter wanted to make a puppet at 6:00 am, so helped her and read posts  on here, they made me feel not so alone, that’s all we can do, reach out to each other in those dark moments and know people care and we’re not alone…

    Much love  xx

  • Thank you. It just helps to know it isn’t just me who is like that.

  • Been feeling mostly like that since the new year. Today, still in dressing gown at 4pm crying and screaming, lying on the kitchen floor. It’s nearly a year since I lost Guy and my anxiety levels are worse than ever. I’m so sorry that others feel this way but it helps to know I’m not the only one. 

  • I hope you have a better day today.

    Don’t feel anxious about feeling anxious. It’s normal. It’s allowed. I’ve found a book that has really helped me called it’s ok that you’re not ok, written by Megan Divine. It was recommended to me and is very different to the usual books about grief. Might not be your thing but thought I’d mention it just in case. 

    Take care x 

  • After your recommendation, I’m slowly working through it and have found what she says makes sense to me

    Trouble is, because  I keep waking up at silly o clock (4am) try to get back to sleep, but can’t, so as soon as I start reading in the afternoon, can’t keep my eyes open. I’ll get there eventually xx

  • I hope today was a better day for you today. Xx

  • I can relate to that too. I'm very low these days and everyone around me seems to be struggling too at the moment. I guess it's winter and covid and the news and everything but it's hard to stay positive when nothing feels really exciting anymore. Hard to make plans, just going through the motions.

    Waking up at 4 o clock every night doesn't help either.

    Sending hugs to all of you xx


  • Hi everyone, I hope you’re all having a better day. This morning I didn’t wake up till 6am, first time in ages I’ve slept for a solid 6 hours, crossing fingers xx

  • 6 hours sleep. That is good news. Hope the sleeping continues to improve. I am more tearful the more tired I am but haven’t managed to crack the better sleeping yet. Just been given a lavender spray to try so will give it a go!

  • Hi Jude2

    I literally feel your pain, l lost my husband Pete in October after fighting cancer for 5 years (bowel and then stage 4 secondary lung cancer).

    My heart is breaking all the time, l have no emotions except for loneliness of Pete and wondering how l am going to carry on without him. Pete was 64years old, we had been together since we were 16 years old. Yes l too cry  and most of the time sit and think, because nothing is the same and never will be the same again. I understand when you know it is not going to be a good day:{

    I know there are many people that are suffering our pain, but to be brutally honest we are in our own bubble with this mammoth surge of pain and that is all we can think about. It is not going to ease easily or quickly, but i do understand xx. I am told to take each day as it comes but it is Ground hog day everyday xx