Hi, I am writing to check on my partner's radiotherapy and kadcyla treatment plan. My partner has received neoadjuvant chemotherapy for HER2+ primary breast cancer , post which she has had her lumpectomy in early January. There was a very small residual cancer of 0.7mm and the nodes were all clear. Due to this the doctor has suggested to start with 14 kadcyla infusions for her post radiotherapy for 2 weeks. However we haven't heard back from radiotherapy regarding the treatment plan yet. Yesterday we received a call from the chemo unit saying that they are starting the kadcyla infusions today and will then we pausing the treatment when we hear back from the radiotherapy unit regarding the dates/ treatment plan. We are slightly worried about the break in the Kladcyla plan when radiotherapy happens. Is it alright or will this pose greater side effects and also disrupt the preventative treatment plan. We are quite confused and have not received any logical or clear cut answers from the medical teams and nurses. It will be great to get an idea on this. Thank you in advance!