Timelines for Treatment Plan

  • 2 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi - my brother was diagnosed with a brain tumour and non-small cell lung cancer at the end of October 2024 [he is 61 yrs old, fit and healthy apart from the cancer].

He has already completed radiotherapy for the brain tumour however we still don't have a treatment plan for the lung, in fact no-one has looked at his lung since the first diagnosis at the end of October last year.

How long should it typically take? We had a consultant meeting on 9th January but he was not the right person so we had to wait for a team meeting and then referral to another consultant, resulting in further delay. He now has a consultant date for mid-March 2025 - 4 1/2 months since initial diagnosis.  Will he get a treatment plan on that date or is it just another 'meeting' to be followed-up at a later date?

His squamous cell carcinoma is stage 4, so time is critical.

FYI we were assigned a Clinical Nurse Specialist when he was first admitted to hospital, then a new person was assigned when transferred to the 'wrong' consultant so I'm unclear as to whether or not another person will be assigned as we wait for the next appointment?

Thank you for reading.

  • Thanks for getting in touch and a warm welcome to our online community. My name is Suzanne and I am one of the cancer information nurse specialists here at Macmillan.

    I can appreciate your concerns and around the time it is taking to discuss potential treatment plans for your brother’s lung tumour. It is good to hear though that he has already had some treatment for his brain tumour, and remains relatively well in himself.  

    It is difficult to comment on your brother’s situation without access to his clinical records, or an understanding of the full picture. But it may potentially have been that his multidisciplinary team (MDT) decided at the time he was diagnosed that the immediate priority was to treat the tumour in his brain.

    Now he has had his radiotherapy, his team should be able to focus their attention on the tumour on his lung.

    Prior to the meeting in March, his MDT should have had a detailed discussion regarding your brother’s current clinical situation and next steps and should be able to discuss a forward plan with him. Exactly what they may recommend will depend upon several factors, including the potential risks and benefits of each option, and his health status.

    There are a number of possible treatment options for lung cancer but treatment decisions for an advanced stage 4 cancer can be complex. Risks versus benefits as well as impacts on quality of life are all considered as part of this process.

    Nevertheless, waiting for his next appointment must be an anxious and frustrating time for you both, especially as there have already been delays. Perhaps it would help to talk with your brother about any questions he has for his team just now. He can then put in a call to his clinical nurse specialist for support.

    I see that there is some confusion as to who this may be. If you have the name of your brother’s consultant, you could call their secretary to clarify this. At the same time, you could also express concern re the delays and time to the next appointment in March.

    If you are still unable to find out who his Clinical nurse specialist is and/or your concerns remain about the delays you could also approach the Patient Advice and Liaison Team (PALS) at your brothers treatment hospital.

    I do hope this information is helpful. Supporting someone with cancer can be emotional and challenging so please feel free to reach out again or call/ chat with us on the support line. We can often support you better over the phone as we can clarify information and talk through things.

    It may also help you to reach out to our family and friends forum here on the online community to connect with others in similar circumstances.


    Best wishes and take care,


    Suzanne, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist


    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email.








  • Thank you so much for your response, I am extremely grateful. I’ll sit down with my brother and take a note of the burning questions - we are still getting used to his ‘new normal’ and how much his brain can cope with.  I also realise is need support myself as I am his main ‘person’ - I will reach out for this. Much appreciated x