Hi - my brother was diagnosed with a brain tumour and non-small cell lung cancer at the end of October 2024 [he is 61 yrs old, fit and healthy apart from the cancer].
He has already completed radiotherapy for the brain tumour however we still don't have a treatment plan for the lung, in fact no-one has looked at his lung since the first diagnosis at the end of October last year.
How long should it typically take? We had a consultant meeting on 9th January but he was not the right person so we had to wait for a team meeting and then referral to another consultant, resulting in further delay. He now has a consultant date for mid-March 2025 - 4 1/2 months since initial diagnosis. Will he get a treatment plan on that date or is it just another 'meeting' to be followed-up at a later date?
His squamous cell carcinoma is stage 4, so time is critical.
FYI we were assigned a Clinical Nurse Specialist when he was first admitted to hospital, then a new person was assigned when transferred to the 'wrong' consultant so I'm unclear as to whether or not another person will be assigned as we wait for the next appointment?
Thank you for reading.