I've not got cancer but am BRCA 2+ and am having a risk reducing mastectomy next week. I am obviously anxious about the surgery, but also about returning to work. Because I will not (hopefully) be having any treatment afterwards, I am worried about how long (or not) my surgeon will sign me off for. I have an active job with a long commute (not accessible by public transport). All guidance for recovery and return to work after mastectomy relates to cancer treatment (which I am not complaining about at all - my sister found all of this helpful after her dx), but because this is not me, I am a previvor, I am kind of lost as there is little to no information on what we can access in terms of support and guidance. I've had the booklet on BRCA but it didn't really give me any more info than I already had. I kind of feel that I am not entitled to ask for support from cancer groups/ organisations, but the only support there is comes from fellow previvors, and their experiences differ from region to region.
Sorry for waffling...