Taxol and hair loss

  • 2 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Just completed 3 cycles of Taxol, a gruelling 3 on, 1 off schedule.   Started losing hair about 3 infusions in.  Went totally bald but kept eyelashes and brows.  Now hair on bald head growing too.   Is that a sign chemo not working?   Please reassure me.  Nails have stayed strong and growing well, maybe due to no housework.  I’m on 100% dose.

  • Hello Ochno,

    Thanks for getting in touch.

    My name is Carole and I’m one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialists on the Macmillan Support Line.

    I can see from your profile that you have joined a few of our online groups. I hope you are finding them a good place to share experiences and get support.

    I’m not sure if you have seen our ‘living with cancer outside the UK forum’.

    Although we can only provide information about UK health services, our online community welcomes members from all round the world, and as you are in Spain, I wondered if you’d be interested in joining this group.

    It’s not unusual to worry that hair growing back soon after treatment, or even before it finishes, means that it’s not working.

    You’ll probably know that hair nearly always grows back following chemotherapy treatment. For most people, the first few hairs start to ‘peek through’ at around three to six weeks after chemotherapy has finished. But some people find that their hair grows before treatment has ended.

    Cancer Hair Care is the UK’s leading hair loss charity, and they explain about the phases of the hair growth cycle, and how chemotherapy can disrupt this cycle.

    It’s quite a complicated process, and both hair loss and regrowth rates can vary between people.

    Breast Cancer Now also have information on hair loss, and they too confirm, that some people find that it starts to grow back before they have completed all their chemotherapy. I hope this helps to reassure you.

    If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to get back in touch.

    Sending my best wishes,


    Our ref: HC

  • Many thanks for that.   I’ll have a little read.   I was told as I’m on chemo indefinitely and on Taxol specifically it would definitely fall out and has.   No-one mentioned possibility of re growth during active treatment which is why I was worried chemo not working.  Scans soon, let’s see.