my husband has stage 4 melanoma of the lungs and has had 5 immunotherapy treatments now which it looks like are affecting his kidneys.
The last 3 months he has had swollen red/purple feet and this month it's got worse with hands also swelling and a puffy face. Saw a doctor Monday and blood results showed very high creatinine levels (153) and slightly raised urea (7.9). GFR has been going down. Was 54 last month and this week 38. Other symptom is dry mouth. And yes he drinks loads of water. His right kidney is small apparently and there is a cyst or stone which was there when treatment commenced.
I am wondering, if there is kidney damage, will it recover? Does treatment tend to get paused or stopped in these cases?
He's also become hypothyroid since treatment began and on levothyroxine but has yet to stabilise his TSH & T4, often feels cold and shivery. We're expecting this to go up from the 50mcg he's currently on. GP says it will likely need to be 75 - 100mcg.
We have an appointment with the oncology doctor next week prior to immunotherapy #6 and just thinking about questions we need to prepare.
many thanks
PS Also posted in the treatments forum