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  • 38 subscribers

It’s a really simple question but I can’t get an answer. 
people on chemotherapy can not eat any foods containing containing live cultures. This includes blue cheese, unpasteurised milk cheese and yoghurt. 
Now, it appears to me that all major manufacturers have gone probiotic. They celebrate having live cultures in their yoghurt. If you ask them about it they say they use pasteurised milk which is disingenuous. 
so the question is: has anyone found a yoghurt ( preferably unflavoured and unsweetened) that ISNT probiotic?

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our online community and thanks for posting your question. My name is Amy, and I’m one of the nurses on the support line.

    This is a question which can cause a lot of confusion and contradiction. You are best to speak to your cancer team about your individual risk and guidance.

    When it comes to yoghurt, they are usually all live in nature, but it is the ones described as bio live, probiotics or kefir that should be avoided. You may find this booklet Food safety Advice for Immuno-Compromised Cancer Patients useful to read, specifically page 10, where it states:

    * The live bacteria used in making yoghurts are not harmful. So, yoghurt described as “live” is safe during neutropenia. However, the bacteria used in bio or probiotic foods cannot be guaranteed as safe during neutropenia.

    If you are in any doubt though, it’s best to double check with your cancer or chemotherapy department.

    You can also speak to specialist Dietitians on the World Cancer Research Fund Nutrition helpline. Also Penny Brohn and Maggie’s offer specialist nutritional support.

    We often find we can help more by exploring these questions over the phone. If this is something you think would help, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch via our support line on 0808 808 0000. We are available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm.


    I hope this helps.


    Best wishes, 


    Amy C, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 


    Ref: AC/HeP