Hi i am writing regarding my concern of my recent tests i had at hospital, I had a teo week referral to ENT due to throat pain , hoarseness and a few others issues. I was sent for a Fluoroscopy and a MRI of neck with contrast. I was then called 3 days later to go for an appointment with a different ENT consultant and also a CT with contrast , I didn't understand much of the appointment only they was going to discuss all my results in the MDT, but 24 hours later i read on my NHS app that they had found lobulated posterior hypopharynx mucosal appearance, and thickening the back of the tongue, I was then very worried that I would have cancer. I didnt hear nothing then until early in week after my appointment that they had had the MDT and was pleased to say its benign and I was discharged, with no explanation. I am very confused and wondering why they have discharged me without explanation, diagnosis of symptoms or what they are doing about what they found, is it being monitored? Im really confused and a bit upset at all the worry about , tests and the urgent appointment i had a couple of days after, the letter says the GP has the full repbut i have tried numerous times to get a gp appointment with no success, Im really just asking for advice on what to do here, as I know you cant diagnose or give any medical advice iim just at a loss of what to really do here. Thank you for listening.