Hi. My partner was told she was in remission from bowel and liver cancer in November. We were shocked and overjoyed after a gruelling year of capox and surgeries.
She was told at her first 3-month check in January, however, that she had growths in her lungs and had a prognosis of 12-24 months as it was incurable. This was devasting as the same oncologist had told her two months prior that she was now in a "good group" post surgery.
She has 6 or 7 small (1mm-2mm) growths on each lung. She will likely start fortnightly doses of FOLFIRI (?) in a few weeks to buy time. He said that there may be one more treatment available after that.
We're just shocked at the short amount of time left. She's only 57, is otherwise well, a non-smoker, doesn't drink and is super positive (better than me).
Are these numbers averages or are they generally what you'd expect in anyone with this kind of cancer?
Would appreciate your thoughts.
Thank you.