Hello. I am 47 and was diagnosed with CIN2 abnormal cells in 2018. For context, I was in a new relationship with a man and prior to that I was in a 10 year relationship with another man but never had an abnormal smear so it was very likely that I got the infection from my new partner, though I was never told in clear terms that I had HPV. I had the Lletz procedure which was successful. My partner and I parted ways in 2020 and I had 2 smear tests since then which came both clean. Recently, I’ve had a full hysterectomy due to fibroids and was told by my consultant that I don’t need to have smear tests anymore. I’ve also got back with my partner, we both had other relationships since 2020 and I am so scared to have sex with him for fear of having HPV again because I was told I could still have it even if I’ve had my cervix removed. I also read that condoms don’t protect from HPV so I’m not sure what to do! I love my partner but I absolutely don’t want to risk my health and go through that experience again as it was very traumatic. Any advice would be so helpful. Thank you.