May partner is recently going through treatment for Estrogen Positive Lobular Breast Cancer. She has had a lumpectomy for a small (16mm) lump and was successful with clear margins.
Next up is 5 days Radiotherapy.
The question is with Tamoxifen and Hormone suppressing drugs. We understand the reduced the risk of re-occurrence. But by how much does this reduce the risk?
She was on HRT before the diagnosis which she stopped immediately he periods stopped at this time also so has been about 4 months since her last period.
There seem to be a lot of side effects and non of them are anything she wants to live with so trying to understand what the actual risk/benefit numbers are.
The next question is should she decide to try it and see how she copes (we understand she may be totally fine) and later decides to stop what are the lasting implications of taking the drugs short term.
Hope that all makes sense and you understand our concerns. We would be very grateful for any guidance in this area.