I have bleeding from my bottom that has been ongoing for 5 weeks. I went to see GP at 3 weeks. He didn’t examine me but I had a colonoscopy last year (May) that was clear other than piles. (This was due to a positive blood fecal test due to stomach pain/loose stools for a while). My doctor said it’s the piles and gave me some cream to use (I’d used anusol and they didn’t work).
I did phone the doctor a week later as I was concerned but he told me not to call him for another month.
My toileting is all over the place. The blood is generally bright red, however there seems to be some clots/chunks and there is mucus too. Sometimes I have the urge to go and it’s just mucus. I don’t want to worry, however it’s quite disturbing everytime I go to the toilet and see blood on the stool, in the pan etc :/