So I'm very aware I have health anxiety problems, however I'm having a few symptoms which the doctors are also unsure what it could be.
So my symptoms include:
- irregular periods. I've gone months without any bleeding and then a month bleeding.
-when I do bleed it's very heavy and I'm passing clots the size of my hand alot of the time. Or sometimes it's very light.
-pain: the pain I get is debilitating. Felt in my overies and my back. Some days I can't even get out of bed.
-the doctors have found one or two cysts on my ovaries.
-low folic acid and iron levels.
-weight loss struggles.
-painful sex or when anything is incerted into me.
The doctors thought maybe it was pcos... However my blood results are normal.
They don't know what I have, and I'm worried it could be something worse like cancer and that I'm going to get ignored again.
I'm only 23/24 and I know you may not be able to help but having someone to talk to would be nice.
I'm unsure if there's anything that isn't pcos and isnt cancer that would cause my symptoms.
Repodutive cancer's do run in my family but they only really occured at 60-80 years of age.
And early menopause runs in my family. I did have abnormal LH and FSH levels... But they said it couldn't be early menopause hence the pcos suggestion but it doesn't seem to be that either.
Sorry for the ramble.