Hi my mum is on palliative care. I am just getting my head around the prognosis as she was only diagnosed with cancer in October and then informed it's terminal in November 2024. She is slowly declining and can no longer eat. She hasn't eaten food for 4 weeks now but she does manage a daily milk shake. She is now bed ridden and has morphine tablets and can top up with oramorph every 2 hours. Her nurse is visiting fortnightly. She has been provided medical equipment to make sure she is comfortable. My question is rather taken the morphine tablets that is on 12 hour slow release, can this be taken another way. As she has difficulty swallowing tablets. She has gallbladder cancer that has spread to her stomach and breast . I know she has completed her hcp with her nurse but I would love to speak to some one and understand the process and next steps and what to look out for, her colour is changing and her skin is yellowish , she is skin and bone and I am guessing we haven't got much time left .