Hello, in December I was re called from my routine mammogram due to a shadow that was found, I had a repeat mammogram and ultrasound, they didn't think it was cancer but as it was indeterminate they wanted to do a biopsy. I had the biopsy and a marker was placed, the biopsy came back as normal tissue, they did say the marker was ever so slightly over so they wanted to replace the marker nothing to worry about. I went back for this and they repeated the mammogram but the area of concern had dissapeared the consultant said nothing further to be done. A few weeks on they have been in touch to say they would like to do an MRI all every normal too do. I have a family history of breast cancer in my family, my mum was found to have pre cancerous cells, my aunt died of secondary breast cancer and my nan sisters both had cancer. I am worried I am being called for an MRI when everything seemed to have been ok. I have tried to get hold of the breast nurse team but have not had a response as yet. Sorry to bother you I understand you do not have my medical records but I just want to know if this is routinely done or if I am missing something.