I had an ultrasound due to postmenopausal bleeding and there is a swelling on my tube/ovary, that wasn't there 18 months ago when I had a scan for a polyp.
I'm awaiting ca125 result, however I have two symptoms, one that my GP has dismissed for a while now, as just 'getting older'.
I've had groin ache in the creases of my leg/body joint, sometimes quite badly and it's been there permanently for months. I didn't mention it to the specialist as I was in a bit of shock from the ultrasound scan and was being whizzed from one person to the next.
Could this groin ache be a symptom of the fallopian/ovary swelling, benign or otherwise?
I've read about lower abdominal pain being a symptom, I occasionally get the odd fleeting stabbing in the lower abdomen and a bit of an ache coming and going, but this groin pain is consistently there.
Additionally, for a while now, I've had up to 1100 WBC in my urine, without any infection, which my GP has scratched their head about. Could this in any way be linked to the swelling?
The reason I ask is, the consultant said if the ca125 comes back as ok, they're just leaving it at that, no further testing, but I've read that the ca125 result isn't always conclusive and I'm worried these other things could perhaps be related.