Hi, I have just finished my third round of EC for tnbc. I had a masectomy in September, have healed well, got full mobility, a tiny bit of cording in my armpit but I stretch morning and night. I thought if there were any issues from chemo it may be that arm. Yes, its been sensitive, but nowhere near as my left which is the only arm that can be canulated. Sadly, my vein blew during 16 Dec treatment. Leading to a lot of swelling, bruising on my forearm and strangely upper arm pain in the crease of my elbow. As well as difficulty lifting, straightening my arm and even soreness rolling up my sleeve.
I was triaged Friday just gone before treatment Monday 6th and told I have sensitive veins and reassured I'd be fine. That sadly has not been the case, with more pain, now swelling and discolouration in the vein in the crease of my elbow, the one that was already hurting prior to this last treatment. Admittedly I'm rather concerned, as it's much worse than it was and I'm due to start the next phase of treatment in under 3 weeks, with docetaxel. I understand this is also intravenous and I'm of the mindset that if my veins haven't recovered by then and I'm still struggling with movement then I will refuse the treatment to prevent long term damage.
I understand it's preventative, but I will be receiving risk reducing surgery to remove my second breast, and also ovaries due to having the BRCA2 gene. So, in my mind I cannot quite fathom out how the benefits of continuing chemo outweigh the risks when I'll be reducing them through surgery. And if continue with treatment could end up with mobility issues long term.
- Thanks in advance