Not seen an oncologist

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My mom was diagnosed with bowel cancer at the beginning of December and is probably too weak for any treatment, we have yet to see any oncologist staff other than the MacMillan who came to my mom's house. Is this normal? Have the medical professionals given up on her?

  • Hello Kazj,

    Thanks for getting in touch. My name is Megan, I’m one of the Cancer Information Nurses on the Macmillan Support Line.

    I am sorry to read that your mum has just been diagnosed with bowel cancer and that it is not clear what the plan for helping to treat or support her is. Do pass on our well wishes and let her know she is most welcome to contact the Macmillan Support Line as needed.

    It is not clear from your message which healthcare professionals your mum may have already had contact with. Most often a cancer diagnosis is given by a cancer specialist within a hospital setting. That cancer specialist can sometimes be an oncologist, but with bowel cancer often it is given by an oncology surgeon.

    If she was referred to hospital to see a cancer specialist and has had investigations within a hospital setting these results would have been discussed at a multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting. A clinical oncologist and medical oncologist are often both present during the meetings and can advise if oncological treatments are appropriate to give.

    If it was felt that oncology treatments (such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy) would not be appropriate because they would cause more harm than good, then it is unlikely that your mum would have been invited to meet an oncologist.

    If this is true then it is not that the medical professionals are giving up on her, but that they are considering what is in her best interests, although may not have communicated this to yourselves effectively.

    If someone is too weak for treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy) or it is felt it will do more harm than good, then the hospital team will refer their care back to the GP and they will be responsible for ongoing care within the community.

    In some cases, a person might have investigations and be given a cancer diagnosis by their GP and avoid the hospital setting altogether. This can certainly be the case if a GP has concerns that someone is too unwell to undergo more intensive investigations within the hospital setting.

    It does sound as though your mum might have been referred for palliative care as a Macmillan Nurse has attend her home. Although as we are a charity and do not have access to healthcare records or systems, I cannot confirm her diagnosis or specific plan for helping to support her.

    It is important to say that if your mum is too weak for treatment from the hospital team, it does not mean that she is not eligible for supportive or palliative treatment often given to help manage symptoms and promote quality of life.

    To find out more about the plan I would encourage your mum to contact her GP for further information and support. She may also wish to speak further with the Macmillan Nurses who she has met. My hope is that they have left their contact number with her.

    If she is unhappy with the proposed plan she may want to seek a second opinion. If either of you are dissatisfied with the care she has received to date you both may wish to feedback through PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service).

    I understand this is likely to be a difficult time for you all as a family. Do make sure that you too are getting support. You might also be interested in our Family and friends forum where it can be useful to experience share with others.

    I hope this information is useful. Please don’t hesitate to get back in contact by email, webchat or phone, if you need further information or support.

    The Macmillan Support Line offers practical, clinical, financial and emotional support. You can call us free from landlines and from most mobile phone networks on 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week, 8am – 8pm.


    Best wishes, Megan

    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 


    Ref MD/AR