Hi. I was diagnosed with stage 1 lung cancer in November and begin radiotherapy next week. During the discovery process the PET scan picked up the left side parotid gland and although both lung consultants said it was very tiny and doesnt look like anything they referred me to ENT for an ultra sound and FNA. The following week I saw an ENT assistant who informed me the lab could not make a diagnosis and recommended surgery ‘just in case’. I was not happy with the lack of care, prognosis and options offered. I have since got an MRI and a core needle aspiration booked.
I am interested to know if a contrast MRI and a core needle aspiration can give a more accurate diagnosis as I want to avoid surgery if it is not necessary.
If it is helpful, the lung tumour is right upper lobe 12mm early stage 1 and hasn't spread. The parotid gland is very small, causing no problems and is on the left side.
Thank you for any advice you can offer.