Hi, hoping to receive further advice. A family member was diagnosed with stage 4 cholangiocarcinoma (spread to liver and several lymph nodes). Surgery was not an option, informed it was palliative but could have chemotherapy and immunotherapy. She is now onto cycle 6 but missed a few sessions within the cycles due to side effects (? TIA as well as low magnesium/hb/WBC etc). Chemo was GemCis initially but Cisplatin stopped due to ?TIA. At recent appointment, informed scan showed improvement within lymph nodes and to continue with chemo for another 2 cycles. Following this, immunotherapy can continue for up to 2 years. My query is (didn't have the opportunity to ask at app) what happens when chemo ends... is it likely that lymph nodes will worsen again, is it likely that overall cancer will worsen/spread again? I'm concerned re: prognosis. Please advise if possible. Many thanks