hair dye post chemo

  • 1 reply
  • 36 subscribers

Can anyone recommend a good non-chemical hair dye for my strange post-chemo hair?  Its gone white in patches but still has very dark areas at the front.  I don't want to use normal chemical dyes.


  • Hello Spooks,

    Thanks for getting in touch with Macmillan Cancer Support. I’m Linda, one of the nurses from our support line.

    I appreciate that being able to colour your hair will give you a boost, but we are unable to make specific recommendations for non-chemical hair dye.

    We would recommend talking to a hairdresser before considering using hair dyes and let them know about your cancer treatment.

    If you are considering dying your own hair, it is still advisable to speak to a hairdresser beforehand for advice. They can suggest what vegetable dyes to use and can give you advice on where to buy them.

    To reduce the risk of an allergic reaction it’s important to do a test 48 hours before using any product by applying a small amount of the dye in a small area of the scalp and hair. If you do not have any problems within 48 hours, it is usually safe to apply it to the rest of your hair.

    You may also find My new hair helpful, it offers advice and support for people with hair problems caused by medical treatments.

    I see you are a member of our ovarian cancer forum, I wonder if you have posted your question there. Sometimes the best people to recommend products are others who have had previous experience of using them.

    I hope this helps.

    Take care and best wishes,

    Linda J.  (Cancer Information Nurse Specialist)

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email or use webchat.

    Ref: LJ/LR