Hi, my dad was diagnosed a few days ago with Leptomeningeal Metastases, cancer of the brain. We are based in Cheltenham Gloucestershire and his consultant at Cheltenham General hospital asked Bristol if he would qualify for gamonite radiotherapy and they have said no.
They have also said no to trying standard radiotherapy at Cheltenham too, and have said as far as they are aware do not know of any trial based drugs available for his condition.
He is willing to try anything, and he is a fighter. He has been terminal for 10 years now, it started in his kidney, then lungs, then spine, then adrenal gland (this was removed) and now brain. He is 63 and physically apart from the cancer in perfect health. He is extremely active and positive. He has been given months to live and because he is in such good health we are struggling to believe this.
Please can anyone advise me of ANY experimental or trial drugs / treatments available anywhere in the uk, whether it is NHS funded or private. We want to check all of our options.