Good afternoon.
I've just been offered SABR treatment (5 days) for prostate cancer. I was diagnosed Gl 3+3 when I had a TURP following 2 years of UTI's (13, then 12 months of prophylactic antibiotics). A second biopsy was 3+4 with only 10% pattern 4. The stage is T1 N0 M0, CPG 2. My psa was 1.2 after TURP, and typically had been around 3.6 with a peak of 5.4 during the UTI period. I'm 64 and otherwise in good health and fit and very active.
I've been offered treatment partly due to anxiety around the cancer spreading (I lost a close friend when this happened.).
But now, reading some of the potential permanent side effects of treatment I'm equally anxious! Is it possible to point me to information regarding the severity of these please? I already generally pass loose stools, and used to frequent trips to the loo when I had UTI's, but concerned that the possible side effects could be much worse and would ruin my current lifestyle which involves travel, running, cycling etc. If it's possible to have a bit of detail on how severe the permanent side effects can be it'd really help me to decide whether or not I should go ahead with the treatment.
Many thanks.