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Hi, I am due to have a mastectomy on one breast in two weeks. I originally said I didn’t want a reconstruction and would go flat but I woke up this morning thinking differently and maybe I do want the reconstruction ( the one using skin, tissue and muscle from my body). Was wondering when is it too late to decide ? 

  • Dear SaraT,

    Thanks for getting in touch. My name is Lindsey and I am one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialists.

    Making decisions about treatment can be difficult. Breast Cancer Now have an booklet with information to help make decisions about reconstruction. You should not feel any pressure, it can take time to decide. You need to feel confident you have made the right decision for you.

    Often ladies need more than one appointment before they feel ready to decide about reconstruction. Contact your breast cancer nurse to talk through how you’re feeling. They will also understand what is possible regarding the date of your operation.

    It is possible to choose to delay your reconstruction which can be an option if you do not want to decide straight away. Even if you decide not to have reconstruction, you can still change your mind in future and have surgery months or years later.

    If you think it would help to talk things through, you can call us free on 0808 808 0000. Our line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm. You can also contact us by email or Webchat and we aim to reply to your email within two working days. Alternately, Breast Cancer Now also have a support line.

    With Best Wishes,


    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist.

    Ref: Lrob/SF