I am hoping you can help me . I had chemo for a couple of months before the the Ivor lewis operation to remove oesophagus followed by two more months of chemo. last infusion was over two months ago.
I am having problems with like tapped air after I eat or drink. This is quite painful and I am trying to release air by burping but it just won't clear . it seems to be around the Adams apple area and I am finding it hard to eat properly . I have had two swallow tests but they say I am swallowing ok. this is starting to be a problem for me as I am hungry but scared to eat because it is so uncomfortable. it seems to be a constant thing now even without eating.
Do you know if anyone else had this problem and if so how did they overcome it . I have asked my gp and nurses but no-one has an answer .
Thankyou for you time