Hi there,
I have been taking adjuvant therapy (tablets - Dabrafenib and trametinib) for melanoma for around 4 months now. I accidentally took two pills of the trametinib (mekinist) instead of one last night. I take two of the other tablet which is where the confusion came from. I called 111 straight away and got advice then had a very rough night of vomiting and diarrhoea as my body was clearly not very happy.
I spoke to oncology this morning and am going in for a check up this afternoon for blood tests etc. So I will be seeing professionals shortly. I just wondered if you could give me a heads up as to how likely this will be to cause serious damage and also when I’m likely to feel better? My mental health is at a bit of a low and I’m just so frustrated with myself that this tiny slip up has caused so much misery and hassle for everyone.
Many thanks