Very loose toe nails - worried they might fall off completely?

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  • 35 subscribers

My nails have felt kind of "weird" for a little while but i realised last night they are actually coming away from the toe. I am sure this is due to immunotherapy or chemotherapy or both. Is it something i should go to my GP about? or do i need to see my oncologist? or do i just go to a chiropodist/podiatrist? at the moment i have just wrapped surgical tape round both big toes to kind of hold the nails on and so i dont stub them or snag them. Any advice welcome.

  • Dear My Cavaliers keep me sane,

    Thank you for contacting Macmillan Cancer Support, and welcome to our online community, I hope you are finding it helpful. My name is Joanne, and I’m one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialists

    We’re sorry to hear you are having problems with the nails on your feet. You don’t mention in your post what type of chemotherapy or immunotherapy you are receiving but these treatments can affect nails on both the hands and feet.

    We would recommend before trying to remedy the problem yourself or seeing a podiatrist/chiropodist that you contact your specialist team. There may be specific treatments they would want you to have. If the area underneath or around your nails becomes red, inflamed, hot and painful to touch you should contact your emergency 24-hour oncology number as this may indicate infection. If you are unable to contact your specialist team and there are signs of infection, you should ring 111

    I hope this information helps. Please feel free to get back in touch if you want further information or support.

    Best wishes

    Joanne F,

    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist.

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts by phoning 0808 808 0000, calls are free, and lines are open 8am-8pm, 7 days a week, or you can send us an email or use webchat.

    Ref JF/KHa