My husband is starting immunotherapy in 2 weeks for metastatic melanoma of the lungs. He has no other lesions. One lung has had the lesion removed for biopsy. He has no symptoms. It was an incidental finding. He's otherwise fit and healthy.
He's very hopeful about immunotherapy and has been told without it he would have about 15 months, with it (if he tolerates it well) 5+ years and from the research we've done some doctors are talking about it possibly being a cure.
What I would like to know is how much of that 5 years (if this turns out to be the maximum, I know it's not exact and everyone is individual) is he likely to be ill and dying?
I suppose there isn't one answer to this as other factors may kick in or side effects from the treatment could change things but I guess I am trying to work out how many years of 'normal-ish' living we might have if he tolerates the treatment well and it's effective.
Many thanks