Hi there,
I was successfully treated for stage 3 testicular cancer in 2021 (rapid orchidectomy followed by 4 cycles of BEP).
Despite getting back to work full time and resuming regular gym activity, I’m still plagued by fatigue. Having changed roles at work in May this year, my fatigue worsened, so I returned to my GP hoping for a better understanding than their previous assessment of ‘general chronic fatigue’.
Today the GP reception told me that my liver and kidney functions are impaired (shown up via blood tests), as to be expected and that the GP was taking no further action.
I recall my oncologist telling me that the cisplatin could cause kidney and liver impairment, but I now don’t know where to turn. The oncologist has previously dismissed my fatigue, so I now don’t know if this is a permanent state, or whether the impairment can be reversed. I know I have made progress, but lately I’ve felt it is worsening as I do more at work and home.
are you able to offer any advice or clarity?
thank you!