Waiting results of liver MRI scan

  • 3 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Hi, I have completed the 4th round of chemotherapy infusions for small cell lung cancer.  Had chest with liver enhanced scan . Oncologist said that showed lesions on my liver but they needed to be certain that they were cancerous although all indications were that it is. 

The only way to confirm this was to have a liver MRI scan with dye contrast. I had waited 2 weeks then telephoned my oncologist's secretary who got me a next day cancellation!

So had the scan last Friday, hoping to quickly get the results, rang the secretary again today to be told that an appointment has been made for in 2 weeks! That makes it a month of being in limbo with what I have been told was treated urgently because it spreads so quickly!

I am just desperate now to know if the only thing left to try , radiotherapy, will or will not be possible.

  • Hi Triciamaggie,

    Thanks for getting in touch and welcome to our online community.

    My name is Carole and I’m one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialists on the Macmillan Support Line.

    I’ve had a look at your profile and can see that you have joined a few of our online groups. I’m pleased to see that you’ve had messages of support from other members.

    Waiting on results can be such a difficult time. It’s normal to feel as if you’re in limbo while you wait, and to worry about the cancer spreading.

    Unfortunately, it’s difficult for us to say what treatment you may be offered, as we are not part of your hospital team.

    I’m not sure from your post if you have a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) working with your consultant. If you have, it may be helpful to give them a call.

    You could let them know how you are feeling.

    If you don’t have a CNS, you could ask the secretary if the oncologist is aware that your appointment isn’t for a couple of weeks. Sometimes it’s reassuring just to know that they are aware that you are waiting.

    You could ask the hospital team if your scan has been reported yet. If it has, it might be helpful to let the secretary know that you are available at short notice again, should there be any cancellations at the clinic.

    In the meantime, there are things that you can do that might help you to cope with waiting. If you think it would help to talk to one of the nurses on our Support Line, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. If you’d prefer to talk to a trained counsellor, we may be able to refer you for 4 free sessions through our partnership with Bupa. You can read about it and sign up for it here, or we can refer you from the Support Line.  

    I hope this is helpful.

    Sending best wishes,


    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email.  

    Our ref: LM

  • Thank you so much for your reply   I have messaged the oncologist's secretary to ask about cancellations etc. 


  • Hi Carole, following your advice I contacted the oncologist's secretary who had one of the cancer specialist nurses call me and gave me the result of the scan which shows that the suspected lesions on my liver are not cancerous! I am so relieved as well you can imagine! I don't mind so  much waiting until the end of next week now to discuss the possibility of radiotherapy or whatever options may be available.

    Thank you for your very helpful advice.
