Growing brain tumour since 2020

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It was determined that treatment was required. Of the options radiotherapy was unlikely to stop growth so I signed consent form in Feb 2023. It was supposed to be fast tracked but to date still not done. They offered radiotherapy but since there’s a 50% risk of another tumour I didn’t want to add to those odds - especially having been told was unlikely to stop growth. I wrote in October 2023  stating I still wanting the operation and as they’d given the risks of leaving it I should like it expiated asap. I have heard nothing back. They known I am profoundly deaf so can’t phone - but I seem to get nowhere. I now have intermittent “ice water” sensation down one thigh, a pressure sensation in my head near the posterior fossa tumour, and I’m scared they will leave it too late. Previously they had said could remove it all. But if near artery and brain stem this may no longer be the case. I can’t seem to get anyone to respond - can you advise please? 

  • Dear Dare,

    Thank you for getting in touch and welcome to the Online Community. I’m Kerry one of the Cancer Information Nurses here on the Macmillan Support Line.

    I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis, the struggles you have experienced with contacting your medical team and the symptoms you are now experiencing.

    Depending on where the brain tumour is positioned, symptoms can include sensation changes and increased pressure causing headaches.

    With any new, changing, or worsening symptoms we would always recommend that you seek further medical support as soon as possible.  

    As it is the weekend, and your GP service may be closed you should contact 111 for further assessment. You can also contact them via text message due to your hearing impairment too.

    It may be helpful to reach out to your GP when they are next open so that you can discuss your changes in symptoms and the difficulties of contacting your neurology team with them.

    You GP can act as an advocate for you and make further referrals if necessary.

    There are also services available that can help advocate for you in health and social care if you have difficulties due to your hearing impairment. You can read more about this here.

    I hope you are coping ok otherwise Dare and that you have support from family or friends around you.

    Please know that there is lots of support available should you need it.

    Here at Macmillan we have our brain tumour online chat forum where you can chat to others in similar situations or The Brain Tumour Charity offers a variety of support methods too.

    I hope this information is helpful. If you have any further questions, please get in touch again. You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email or contact us through Webchat

    Best wishes


    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist

    Ref KHa/GHi