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Hello! I am taking Letrozole, plus Calcium with Vitamin D for Breast Cancer.

Before my diagnosis, I was taking Glucosamine and Condroitin twice a day for joint pain (I'm 77) and have recently had bi-lateral decompression surgery for double sciatica.

I don't want to take anything herbal which might interfere with the Letrozole working. Should I switch to Paracetamol for my joints?

Many thanks.

  • Hi Lanson,

    Thank you for contacting Macmillan Cancer Support. My name is David, one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialists on the Macmillan Support Line.

    I am sorry to hear about your recent surgery on top of coming through breast cancer. However, I am glad you have not taken anything herbal as yet and, seeking advice first.

    We normally advise people that if they are considering herbal supplements to check with their healthcare team first.

    This is to ensure that there are no interactions with any medications you are currently taking like Letrozole or Calcium Vit D supplements to protect your bones.

    Your Oncology Pharmacist can check the ingredients of these supplements in more depth.

    Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre can also give you safety information about individual herbs.

    We further advise that you resist buying any medications or supplements on the internet as we cannot verify the integrity/quality and safety of the product or where it has come from.

    The hope will be that your recent surgery may help alleviate your current pain.

    However, we suggest you report your current pain levels to your healthcare team. It may also be an idea to ask them to review your pain management.

    Muscle or joint pain can also be an unwanted side effect of your Letrozole, and it may be possible to change to another hormonal drug.

    We have further information on Complementary Therapies which you may find useful going forward.

    Alternatively, Breast Cancer Now and CRUK are also good sources of information and support.  

    If there is anything else we can help you with please feel free to get back in touch.


    Best wishes

    David, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist


    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email.




    Copy of your original e-mail to Macmillan Cancer Support



    Lanson6 hours ago

    Hello! I am taking Letrozole, plus Calcium with Vitamin D for Breast Cancer.

    Before my diagnosis, I was taking Glucosamine and Condroitin twice a day for joint pain (I'm 77) and have recently had bi-lateral decompression surgery for double sciatica.

    I don't want to take anything herbal which might interfere with the Letrozole working. Should I switch to Paracetamol for my joints?

    Many thanks.