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  • 35 subscribers

Hi just wondered if my husband who is on Chemo, has had a personality change, is this normal, he’s more snappy and zero patience.

  • Hi GailH_123

    Thanks for getting in touch and welcome to the online community. I hope you’re finding it supportive.

    My name is Fiona and I’m one of the Macmillan cancer information nurses.

    I’m sorry to read that you have noticed a change in your husband’s personality whilst he is having chemotherapy.

    On the Support Line we are separate to the NHS and do not have access to medical records. It would help to speak to your husband’s nurse specialist or GP about your concerns as they have access to his information, can assess him and offer appropriate support.

    Having a cancer diagnosis and treatment can cause a mix of emotions. You may also find this information helpful to read. There is support available.

    It’s important to look after yourself too. Supporting someone with cancer can be emotionally and physically exhausting.

    Often talking to others going through a similar experience can be helpful to do. There is nothing quite like the support that you can get from others who know what it’s like. We have a great online group that you can join. 

    I hope this information helps. Please feel free to get back in touch if you want more information or support.

    Best wishes,

    Fiona P,

    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email

    Ref: FP/LJ