A physio sent me for an MRI as I had a fall. I have a torn ACL ligament of my knee and waiting to be referred to orthopaedics. Which can be a long wait.
I have had double mastectomy for her 2 positive Breast cancer. I am currently on zoledronic. Previous to my fall I have had pain in my knee and leg.
when the physio read my mri he didn’t understand the second paragraph. And when I google it comes out all sorts of things.
- Significant partial disruption of the proximal ACL.
- Abnormal marrow signal present within the fibular neck which does not have the typical appearances of bone contusion and is more likely to represent a focal area of established benign incidental fibrous dysplasia.
Baseline plain films are recommended in the first instance.
- Intact menisci.
- No other significant intra-articular pathology