Changes in voice worsening 18 weeks post radiotherapy for vocal cord cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Dear Team,

I had 20 sessions of radical radiotherapy which I completed at the end of March this year for VCC T2 N0 M0. I have noticed my voice becoming more hoarse again over the last couple of weeks - is this normal please. I had an MRI at the end of June and was informed via a telephone call that I was cancer free. My next face to face appointment is in September. I just need some assurance that this is normal please. I would rather ask the experts rather than use google to ascertain this information.

Grateful thanks for your help. 

  • Dear AngS

    Thank you for contacting us. I am Gina, one of the cancer information nurses on the Macmillan support line.

    I am sorry to hear that you had cancer of the vocal cords earlier this year.

    Here on the support line we are not linked to the NHS and do not have access to your medical records, so we are unable to give any specific advice about your symptoms.

    As you mentioned your voice becoming hoarser over the last few weeks, we would advise you to contact your treatment team at the hospital as soon as possible. It is important for them to know about the changes to your voice, so they can assess your symptoms as they are best placed to do this.

    It is important that you contact them today, either via your consultant or your clinical nurse specialist (CNS), rather than waiting for your next face to face appointment.

    I hope you have found this helpful.

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email


    Gina Macmillan Cancer Information Nurse Specialist

  • Thank you so much. My CNS is speaking with the team to try and bring my appointment forward - so grateful x