sexual desire has gone

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i wonder if anyone can help me.  I recently got diagnosed with cervical cancer for the second time and am now awaiting an appointment with oncology, i have had all my tests and scans.  They did carry out some lazer treatment last wednesday and whilst i cant have intercourse due to the pain my sex drive has gone completely? just the thought of my partrner touch me makes me feel sick and i hate it is having this effect is this normal?

  • Hi  

    Thanks for getting in touch with Macmillan Cancer Support during what sounds like an unsettling time for you. I’m Linda, one of the nurses from our support line,

    I’m so sorry to read that the cancer has returned, and you are waiting to be seen by oncology. I’m not sure if it was laser ablation treatment that you had last week but if you are still in pain it would be a good idea to let the colposcopy clinic know about this today to rule out infection. If you don’t have details for them we would encourage you to call your GP or 111 to be assessed today.

    In terms of sexual desire there’s no hard and fast rules to say how you should feel

    It may just be that at this time you are still trying to come to terms with finding out that the cancer has returned, and this is how you are responding to this news, both on a physical and emotional level.

    Being open and honest with your partner might help as they may be worried that they have done something wrong to upset you.

    It is important to remember that it is still early days and try not to put any additional pressure on yourself until you feel ready.

    For further guidance we have this information that you can read online or order from our publishing service.

    And, if needed, there are services available to help when sexual desire doesn’t return and your GP or hospital team can give further information then.

    If it would help you are welcome to call us and we’d be happy to ask a little more to look at how we can best support you.

    You can speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email

    Take care  

    Linda, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 
