Brain MRI post breast cancer

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  • 35 subscribers

Hi there. I had breast cancer in 2020 and have been having some odd symptoms with a bit of nausea and feeling like my vision wouldn’t focus. I went to the gp who felt it was an inner ear issue. I also went to the opticians and no issues detected. However I went for a private mri of the brain to put my mind at rest but this wasn’t with contrast dye. The test came back with no evidence of metastasis in the brain thank goodness but I’m now worried something could have been missed without the contrast dye? Is this something that could happen or are mris without contrast still reliable? Thank you! 

  • Hi  

    Thanks for getting in touch with Macmillan Cancer Support during what sounds like an unsettling time for you. I’m Linda, one of the nurses from our Support line.

    From what you write I’m not sure whether you are still under the care of a breast care team or whether you have been discharged back to the care of your GP. If you have access to the breast care team it is good idea to let them know about the symptoms that you mention so they are up to date with your health. If they feel they need to assess you further they can arrange this with you.

    If you don’t have access to the hospital team and your symptoms have not improved since speaking with your GP we would encourage you to get in touch with them and let them know. This will give them the opportunity to discuss whether further steps are required.

    In terms of the scan you have had, it would really be a clinical decision as to whether you should have had contrast with an MRI. The radiologist who arranged for the scan to be carried out would have stated on their request whether contrast was to be used or not.

    In some instances if the first scan, without contrast, does not show a clear enough picture of certain tissues and blood vessels then a second scan will be performed with contrast straight after the first. In other circumstances they may wish to carry out both views irrespective of the picture on the first scan.

    In addition to speaking to the breast care team or GP we would encourage you to contact the private care team to ask for further clarity over this as they would be the best placed to explain their rationale for how the scan was performed.

    I hope you are able to speak with someone soon and if we can help further please do get back in touch.

    You can speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000(7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email

    Best wishes

    Linda, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 
