Hi I had paraproteins detected at a routine blood test during a nasty chest infection last year. Had another infection ( I have bronchoectasis, so these are not unusual for me) a month ago and a similar low level, the respiratory consultant said these are just above UNL and has referred me to a haematology department. I have a haematology appointment on 2 August and am extremely worried about it. I have a few questions and it would be great if you could reply within a couple of days. Why I wasn't given an appointment for the first time the paraprotein was detected? Was it because they thought it was low and just a transient symptom of infection? As it is the second time it is detected the respiratory consultant said it is just above upper normal limit. But there is no normal limit for paraprotein, so I am slightly confused. They mentioned that paraprotein is persistent, but I cannot see the current level at the patient page, I assume it is the same level of 5 gl. Could it be a sign of lengthy infection or is it definitely MGUS symptom? This is IGG paraprotein, so I understand that risk is low. Please could you clarify the risk factor for progression to myeloma? On some websites 1 percent risk level is mentioned, while on others it says that the risk increases by 1 per cent each year, so in 10 years it will be a 10 % chance of getting myeloma or lymphoma? Would be grateful if you could clarify something for me while waiting for the appointment.
kind regards