I was diagnosed with lung cancer last August and had keyhole surgery for three wedge resections and removal of some lymph nodes in September. I had a recurrence in March and required an upper lobectomy and wedge resection on lower lobe by open surgery in May with more lymph nodes removed. Chemo has been ruled out as the cancer cells have no receptors. However, since last year I have been troubled with swollen legs, especially on the left side. Since surgery in May the swelling has been worse, mainly my left Knee and thigh. The consultant said it is not connected to the surgery,. i saw a heart nurse for tests which were normal. I started Ferucimide but had to stop after three weeks as it was affecting my kidneys. I've tried lymph massages and trying to do exercises for swelling using essential oils. Feet up constantly, even elevated in bed but nothing seems to improve the situation and it seems to be getting worse slowly. I'm really struggling to walk now with the pain as I also have osteoarthiritis. An xray did highlight the swelling in January but Consultant and GP don't seem to be bothered.