I had a muscle sarcoma diagnosed in 2021. I had radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and my leg amputated. I always knew that my particular kind of cancer had a strong chance of recurrence. My notes say a 29% chance of getting to 10 years without metastasis, but I'm through the first two years which I understand are the most dangerous. My scans have just dropped to 6-monthly instead of quarterly.
I had a routine blood test before my next scan, due next month, and my ferritinin is very high indeed. Wikipedia says "Ferritin concentrations increase drastically in the presence of an infection or cancer," and I don't have an infection that I'm aware of.
So I'm scared. And I can't phone the oncology department until Monday.
I don't want to tell my husband or daughter until I know something more definite. I could use a little online company while I'm waiting for more definite news.
Assuming the cancer has come back, does anybody know what's likely to happen next? I'm trying not to imagine every possible awful scenario.
I'm a writer. Sometimes having a vivid imagination is not an assett.