Investigating for lymphoma - doctor wants to discuss RA test factor levels

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I am currently being investigated for Lymphoma cancer I am awaiting to see the consultant next week. I have had a phone call today from my GP after having some bloods taken and my RA test has come back and he would like to see me regarding my factor levels. Could this be an indicator of Lymphoma? 

  • Dear  

    My name is Liz, and I’m one of the cancer information nurse specialists on the Macmillan support line.

    Thank you for reaching out for information about your rheumatoid arthritis test and your GP’s request to see you about your factor levels.

    I presume the rheumatoid arthritis test you are referring to, is the rheumatoid factor blood test.

    You have asked if the rheumatoid factor test could be an indicator for lymphoma as you are currently having investigations for lymphoma.

    Medline states that high levels of rheumatoid factors may also be a sign of other autoimmune disorders, certain infections, and certain types of cancer, this site lists leukaemia, another blood cancer but not lymphoma. Likewise, LabtestsonlineUK also refer to cancer as a reason for an increased RF level but don’t clarify any further. 

    It can be a very anxious time waiting for results and there isn’t a right or wrong way to feel. I really hope that you have the results of your investigations for lymphoma very soon and are able to speak to your GP about your RF test, so that you can feel more in control and able to move forward. 

    Some people find it useful to talk about how they are feeling and you can contact us if you think that would be helpful for you. 

    Take care.  


    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist  

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email. 

    Ref LZD/ UH