My Oncologist has used PREDICT prognostic model to plan the course of treatment following a lumpectomy I had on my breast, a few weeks ago.
He has used the old version of the online model (v 2.2), recommending chemotherapy, radiotherapy and bisphosphonates treatment courses over the next 6-9 months. However, when I use the latest version of the online model, PREDICT (v 3.0), the result does not recommend chemotherapy (additional benefit <3%).
When I asked the specialist, he said the new model has not been endorsed by UK breast team (?) even though it is available online and fully recommended as an improved prognostic model by University of Cambridge breast cancer unit.
I am interested to know other clinicians' opinion about this and why the new model may not have been endorsed. This is a big dilemma for me, as I don't really want chemotherapy if the harm from the side effects outweigh the benefits, as shown by the latest PREDICT result in my particular case.
I would be grateful if you could share any information on the latest status of PREDICT use by the specialists across the UK.
Best regards,