Leukocytes count

  • 1 reply
  • 34 subscribers

Can I do anything to help my leukocytes grow? My doctor advises against any supplements as I'm in the immunotherapy programme. I got some pills to take daily, but I was wondering if I can do anything lifestyle or diet wise to help the results. Also, any advice on how to heal bruises quicker? I've got a lot of them on my arm and the nurses are running out of space to find good veins. I'm using some gels and cold compress, but they don't seem to be doing much anymore. Thank you in advance for any advice. 

  • Dear Kamila

    Thank you for contacting us here at Macmillan Cancer Support.  My name is Rae and I am a cancer information nurse specialist.

    I see that you are an active member of our online community and in that you say that your diagnosis is triple negative breast cancer.

    You have also mentioned that you are receiving treatment in Poland.  We are unable to provide information about treatment outside of the UK but can answer general information.  Speaking to your own team about your side effects would be the best option, especially if your side effects from immunotherapy are becoming worse.

    Lifestyle advice when receiving immunotherapy is as follows:

    Sleep well as this is essential for your immune system and overall health.

    Maintain a balanced diet with a range of healthy foods.  Fruit, vegetables, and protein are all important.  Good nutrition plays a key role in the success of immunotherapy.

    Stay active as light exercise can help keep your energy levels up. 

    Manage stress through ways such as meditation, yoga or other relaxation techniques.

    Stay well hydrated.

    Avoid illness by trying to reduce time in places where people are sick, to try and avoid infection.

    We can see that you were also discussing whether or not to have your treatment via a central venous cathether.  Certainly having a PICC line or portacath would give your veins time to recover from being used for treatment.

    Best wishes

    Rae, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist


    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email.

