Post Op Advice

  • 1 reply
  • 35 subscribers

Hi there

i had a lobectomy nearly 4 weeks ago and ever since it feels like i have a lump stuck right in the centre of my chest. It feels like i need to be sick to bring it up but i have had several chest x ray’s for various reasons since my op which have not shown anything. It is making it hard to eat as after a couple of mouthfuls I feel full as it feels like the food is just sitting in my chest. Any help or advice would be appreciated

Many thanks


  • Hi Debby

     Welcome to the online community. My name is Sarah one of the nurses on the Macmillan support line.

    I am sorry to read that you are having difficulty with eating and have a feeling like there is a lump in your chest. I wonder if you have mentioned these symptoms to your surgical team or clinical nurses?

    Any symptoms post-surgery, it is best to make your team aware. Here at Macmillan, we can give general advice and support. Your team will be best placed to make a full assessment and decide if you require medication or further investigations.

    I hope this information is helps. Please feel free to get back in touch if we can help with anything else.

    Best wishes


    Cancer information Nurse Specialist

    Ref: PW/SS

    Sarah S-Macmillan Cancer Information Nurse Specialist