Awaiting results

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  • 35 subscribers

I am waiting on results from being told I have stage 2 lympnodes and a mass in the throat, results will be given on Monday. I am so scared and really have no idea what to expect. I have gone through so many tests ; ultra sounds ; ct scans , biopsy I didn't really think about it just went through the motions of all the appointments but now all that is  done the waiting is hard. I have kept all of this from my family as don't want to worry them.

  • Dear Premier Girl

    Welcome to our online community here at Macmillan cancer support. My name is Gemma, and I am one of the cancer information nurse specialists here.

    Waiting for results can be an extremely anxious time, regardless of how the results turn out. There is no right or wrong way for you to feel while you wait. It may reassure you a bit that it is common to feel scared, worried, and anxious at this time.

    The process involved in analysing scans and biopsies is often time consuming. While we cannot make time go faster, we do have some tips that might help with dealing with the fear, anxiety and difficult emotions at this time.

    Looking after yourselves by eating well, keeping active or getting enough rest, and staying connected to the things you love can all help at this time.

    It can be good to practice self-care such as these relaxation techniques and complementary therapies that are safe for you.

    I completely understand why you would want to protect your family from the worry you are going through. Talking and sharing emotions and fears can be very important in helping to process emotions and for you to feel supported. If it would help to share how you are feeling please do consider giving us a call. We are here 7 days a week and more than happy to support you in any way we can.

    With Kind Regards

    Gemma J. Cancer Information Nurse Specialist

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email.
