Prostate Cancer and blood in urine

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Thank you for listening. .. 

My dad was diagnosised with prostate cancer in 2019. He had surgery to remove part of his prostate in 2020. He was given no further treatment except PSA's tests every 3 months. Since December he has had occasional blood in his pee, he went to the doctor both times and they checked for infections but there were none. In the last week he has had blood in his pee every day and has now been referred to Oncology. They have booked him in for a scan and a cystoscope so I know he is being checked now which is reassuring just annoying my dad didn't push for that earlier but I have been going through chemo myself for cancer so he hasn't been telling me!

I would just like to know what the options could be for the blood in his pee. Surely if his PSA is OK the cancer should not have spread? Are there other reasons for it, the doctors have said the infection checks were negative?

Thank you in advance.

  • Dear DaisyDoo123,


    Thank you for contacting Macmillan. My name is Denise and I am one of the Cancer Information Nurses working on the support line. Thank you for joining the online community and I hope you find it useful.

    I am sorry to read your dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2019 and now experiences further health concerns. It must be very concerning for you and dealing with the uncertainties around a diagnosis can be very daunting.

    I am sorry to read you yourself are undergoing cancer treatment. This must be very anxious times for both of you. It is not unusual for parents not to talk about this with their children as parents try to protect their children. If your dad finds it difficult to talk about this with family members, please let him know about us on the helpline.

    There are several reason why a person may have blood in the urine and you can read about by clicking here. There is further information on The British Association of Urological Surgeon’s website, and you can access it by clicking here.

    Without knowing all the results of further tests, it is difficult to know what exactly is causing him to have blood in the urine.

    Everyone is different in terms of dealing with the anxious wait, but distraction can be helpful. There are lot of confusing information on the internet and searching can cause additional stress without knowing all the evidence.

    I hope this information is helpful. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have more questions.

    Best wishes,



    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808  808 000 ( days a week, 8am – 8pm) or chat to us or send us an email.

    Ref: DK/HC