Folfox Chemo causing severe shoulder, neck and arm pain

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  • 35 subscribers

I had my 6th Folf ox infusion last Wednesday (1 week ago) and the shoulder, neck and arm pain that has been troubling me has been very bad since then.

I rang the TRIAGE team and they suggested that I take ibuprofen plus paracetamol to ease this pain. This has helped, but I am worried about taking this amount of tablets each day - the pain has not decreased and comes back after about 4 hours.

I have tried heat on my shoulder, but it has no effect.

Have you any thoughts on this please? I just need this pain to stop!

many thanks.

  • Dear TAWorker,


    Thank you for contacting Macmillan. My name is Denise and I am one of the Cancer Information Nurses working on the support line. Thank you for joining the online community and I hope you find it useful.


    I am sorry to read you have been experiencing shoulder, neck, and arm pain since your last FOLFOX chemotherapy. As we do not have access to NHS records and we can’t diagnose over this platform, we always suggest getting in touch with your team again.

    Although you have not mentioned, part of the FOLFOX regime is a drug called Fluorouracil and this usually requires having a PICC line inserted into the arm.

    One of the known side effects of having chemotherapy such as FOLFOX is the increased risk of blood clots. This is a medical emergency and requires attendance to the nearest accident and emergency immediately. If you do have a PICC line in the arm affected your risk is even higher. I am unable to confirm that this exactly what is happening but as you are at risk and your symptoms are not getting better. If  I may suggest get in touch with your TRIAGE team again or attend your nearest accident and emergency to have an assessment. If you don’t have anyone to take you safely you can call 999. To read more about possible side effects of your treatment please click here.

     I hope this information is helpful. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have more questions.

    Best wishes,



    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808  808 000 ( days a week, 8am – 8pm) or chat to us or send us an email.

    Reference: DK/UH