Single Mastectomy after chemo

  • 2 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hello I have a smx due 25/6/24 which is after 2 WLE to remove lymph nodes and a 20 mm lobular cancer and 6 rounds of chemo, just ended. I will he having a DIEP recon and just been told I need another mag seed inserting which I am confused about as I’m now having a full mastectomy. I’ve asked why but no replies as yet and now I’m stressing. Can you advise? Thank you 

  • Hello Shel1007

    Welcome to our online community. I notice you have joined our Breast Cancer Forum, we hope you are finding this a helpful and supportive place to visit.

    Thank you for your question about Lobular Breast Cancer and the insertion of another Magseed .  My name is Luzia and I am one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialists on the Macmillan Support Line.

    Here at the Macmillan Support Line, we can give general advice and support. We are independent from the NHS and don’t have access to medical records so can’t give personalised information. I can understand though that the information you have been given is confusing. You are right, people that are having a full Mastectomy do not usually need a Magseed, and would recommend you continue to ask your specialist team to clarify why you need one.  

    We wish you all the best with the mastectomy and the DIEP Breast Reconstruction.

    This must be a very difficult time for you. Please call one of our nurses directly if you want to talk over your situation. We may then be able to give you further information.

    Take care,


    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist


    Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email. If you think it may be useful to chat things over in real time, we have our webchat service available 7 days a week 8am-8pm.

    Ref: LzM/JF

  • Thank you so much for the reply - I will definitely continue to try and speak to my MDT - good to know I’m not asking silly questions and reassured.