Covid booster

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  • 35 subscribers

Hi, I’m in a dilemma, I’ve always had the covid vaccine, but I’ve had my chemo and finished my radiotherapy 7 weeks ago now awaiting my scan results before I have my pelvic operation.  I’ve been invited to have a covid booster ( I’m 70) as I may have a weak immune system, for some reason I’m worried about having it as my cancer and covid seemed to happen at the same time.  I know in the end it is my choice to make , but just wondered if I could have some guidance and thoughts from you. Thank you so much


  • Hi Suzanne

    Thanks for getting in touch.

     My name is Paula and I am one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialists on the Macmillan Support Line.

    Welcome to the online community. I can see you have joined the bowel cancer forum. I hope you’re finding it helpful sharing your experiences with others.

    It’s good to hear you’ve finished your radiotherapy treatment. It’s never easy waiting for scan results, hopefully it will show a good response to treatment so you can continue on to have your pelvic operation.

    With regards to having a covid booster, it’s always a difficult decision to make, especially if you feel your cancer occurred at the same time as your covid vaccine. It’s understandable why you’re concerned and uncertain whether if the vaccine is right for you.

    After any cancer treatment your immune system can be compromised for a little while which puts you at risk of infections. The aim of the covid booster is to offer you protection from the virus and lessen the severity of the covid symptoms if you catch the virus due to your low immunity.

    We would suggest speaking to your team on the risk and benefits of having the covid booster at this stage especially as you have further surgery planned. They are in an ideal position to advise you more and help you decide about your own health and care.

    You can also talk to one of our nurses on the support line. Sometimes giving us a call can help. It’s a free phone number on 0808 808 0000 and we are here 7 days a week, 8am-8pm or email us. 

    I hope this information has been helpful, please don’t hesitate to get back in touch.

     Ref: PW/GG

    Paula-Cancer Information Nurse Specialist