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Is it normal practice to be given cancer diagnosis over phone, with just a photo and x ray taken. Thank you

  • Hi Young at Heart,

    My name is Keith and I’m one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialist

    Welcome to the online community hope you finding it helpful.

    On this platform as we are a charitable organisation, we don’t have access to your medical information. For this reason, we have limited information re your clinical history.

    Every situation is different, but since COVID it is becoming more common to have consultations over the phone. Whereas in the past these sorts of conversations where usually done face to face.

    There are differing levels of thought around this. Such as some people feel more comfortable having this conversation over the phone at home for example.

    Being diagnosed with just photo and x-ray does seem a very basic diagnostic phase. But in some situations, may be possible.

    With having very limited information on your diagnosis and past medical history  we would always recommend contacting you consultant’s secretary and ask to be put in contact with your consultant’s specialist nurse. This is so that you can fully understand your diagnosis and treatment options as well as expectations of all the things I have previously mentioned. In doing so, it would also give you access to further support, physically as well as emotionally moving forward.

    Looking at this information explaining the multidisciplinary team approach (MDT) and questions to ask may also be helpful.

     On this platform it can be difficult to have a two-way conversation and to fully understand what you are going through.

    If you’d like further explanation or have any other questions, please feel free to recontact us. Or if you it may help to discuss things with someone outside the loop please feel free to give us a call or contact us via our web chat platform.

     take care.

    Keith, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email.

    Ref KM/DM